Anna María Björnsdóttir has some great tips about how to pack food for trips, and shares a recipe for energy bars with us.
Birta Björnsdóttir Kjerúlf talks to four young women who all work or study in the so-called STEM fields, sciences, technology, engineering or mathematics.
Sam Cone set out to reduce the time she spent on her phone. But how did she do it, and was it worth it?
Why is it so important to wear sunscreen? Mahdya Malik tells our readers why, and how to wear SPF.
Afhverju þurfum við að nota sólarvörn? Mahdya Malik segir lesendum frá mikilvægi hennar.
Melkorka Gunborg Briansdóttir wonders about healthy work ethics and speaks to three people about her thoughts.
Anna María Björnsdóttir and Snædís Björnsdóttir share a recipe with our readers using ingredients from the fridge.
This edition of the Student Paper is focused on health, a multifaceted topic that relates to most aspects of our daily lives. Melkorka Gunborg Briansdóttir writes about post-partum depression and the medical treatments of the 19th century.
Þema þessa tölublaðs Stúdentablaðsins er heilsa, viðfangsefni sem á sér margar hliðar og viðkemur flestum þáttum daglegs lífs. Melkorka Gunborg Briansdóttir skrifar um fæðingarþunglyndi og læknisaðferðir 19. aldarinnar.
A lot of students surely know the feeling: you’ve dragged yourself to the bus stop early in the morning, it’s cold, it’s dark. Maybe you take the last bus home from the Student Cellar. Then, most of you should have noticed a recent change in Strætó’s payment system.
Dino Ðula spjallar við Marta Raljević um hannyrðaástríðu hennar (á Cróatísku)
Dino Ðula interviews Marta Raljević where they discuss her passion for knitting (Croation version).
Tess skrifar um gríska jólasveinin (á Grísku).
Tess tells us about the Greek Santa Claus (Greek version).
Francesca is a café and bakery pro, and here she lists some excellent places to grab a sweet in Reykjavík.
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