University of Iceland
Joining the right union upon graduation is essential. Learn more about BHM’s grants and funds.
The Student Council’s Loan Representative discusses the future of student loans in Iceland.
Sprettur is the University of Iceland’s recent project, tailored to promising students with immigrant backgrounds and/or refugee students. Its purpose is to support and encourage these individuals through secondary school and towards higher education.
Snædís Björnsdóttir visited some student housing apartments and asked those who lived there a few questions about the designes of their apartments
Jessý Jónsdóttir is SHÍ's interests’ representative. The representative is elected at the Student Council's exchange meeting and is at hand for students while safeguarding and supporting their interests and causes. Here, Jessý answers some frequently asked questions.
The Students’ Rights office spends a lot of time and money at Háma, as the office is located directly above its Háskólatorg location. But what is their favourite food from this centre of campus?
Réttindaskrifstofa Stúdentaráðs Háskóla Íslands eyðir miklum tíma og peningum í Hámu, enda er skrifstofan staðsett beint fyrir ofan útbú hennar á Háskólatorgi. En hvað er uppáhaldsmaturinn þeirra úr þessari miðju háskólasvæðisins?
Arnheiður Björnsdóttir met Kalvera Imungu, a student at the International Equality School.
The Student Council’s International Officer talks about international cooperation and the Aurora Biannual.
Many of Iceland’s parliament members were students at the University of Iceland. Igor Stax writes.
Vífill Harðarson, the Student Loan Officer of the Student’s Rights Office, writes a few words about the new Student Loan Fund.
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