FAQ for SHÍ’s Student Interest Representative: Jessý Jónsdóttir answers questions from students of HÍ
Photo: Sara Þöll Finnbogadóttir
Translation: Hallberg Brynjar Guðmundsson
SHÍ's interests’ representative is elected at the Student Council's exchange meeting and is at hand for students while safeguarding and supporting their interests and causes.
When did your interest in Student politics begin?
I sat on the student council at my primary school and you can say that laid the foundation for my interest in social-campaigns. When I joined Háskóli Íslands I wasted no time in getting into Student politics. I started campaigning for students back in 2018, and later sat on the Student Council both as a representative for my field of study and also for the whole school. During that time these jobs involved meetings and arguing for student interest. I always have a critical point-of-view and am not afraid to call people out on their bullshit.
My teacher did not submit a grade on time. What do I do?
When this happens one can email their teacher and reference article 60 of the laws of Háskóli Íslands. The article states;
Þá geturðu sent póst á kennara námskeiðsins og vitnað í 60. gr. reglna háskólans, „Prófverkefni og mat úrlausna“ en þar stendur skýrt: "Grades must be published no later than two weeks after each exam, but three weeks after each exam during the examination period in December".
What do you enjoy most about your job? And what is the least favorite aspect?
What I enjoy the most is to help students seek their rights and find solutions to their issues and problems in collaboration with teachers, the department, and faculty members. Fortunately, most of the time it is enough for me to send an email explaining the details of the case of an affected student. In my experience I find that the majority of teachers are ready to find solutions in a professional manner. Furthermore, I relish the challenge of having other people put their trust in me and to get to know them and other people involved in the altercation. I must say I do not find this job boring but it can be challenging. Especially when dealing with matters that have personal stakes, are unique, or have a large impact in the life of a student, that is when it gets busy and I need to work quickly. But, that is what I am here for! No issue is too small for me or too challenging.
I am dissatisfied with my grade, can Jessý help with that?
Again I would turn to the laws of Háskóli Íslands; If one fails an exam it is possible to request an independent inspector for one’s exam (see article no. 59). Furthermore, according to article no. 59 a student is entitled to "an assessment of his written solution if requested within 15 days of the publication of the grade". If a student feels that their rights were infringed on then the next step is to contact the head of the department that the student belongs to. If the case is serious enough the University Council will be informed and will debate on the matter. Fortunately, this rarely happens but I am ready to fight even if it comes to that!