The politics of the future

THE POLITICS OF THE FUTURE (and also the present) belong to young people. The political landscape of tomorrow is undergoing a remarkable transformation, and its contours are being shaped by the actions and aspirations of today's youth. As a demographic group, young people wield significant power to influence elections, shape policies, and redefine the priorities of governments and societies. What was once perceived as a matter of interest has now evolved into an imperative necessity for building a more inclusive, empathetic, responsive, and forward-looking world.

One of the most striking features of the youth's involvement in politics is their ability to infuse fresh perspectives and innovative ideas into the political discourse. Their voices are not only important; they are indispensable in advocating for new solutions to age-old problems and addressing the ever-emerging challenges that confront our societies. Whether it's the existential threat of climate change, the disruptive impact of technological advancements, the persistent call for social justice, or the concern for better working environments and labor flexibility, young people are undeniably at the forefront of envisioning a better future.

In recent years, there has been a notable surge in youth-led movements, which serve as potent agents of change. However, the influence of young people in politics should extend beyond activism and protest movements. Young individuals are increasingly participating in electoral processes, recognizing that their votes carry weight and can substantially impact election outcomes. They are becoming active stakeholders in the democratic process, realizing that the policies and decisions made today will significantly shape the world they inherit tomorrow.

Moreover, the political ambitions of young people are transcending the act of merely casting votes. Many are embarking on the bold journey of running for public office themselves. When young politicians enter the political arena, they bring with them a fresh perspective, an unwavering commitment to transparency, and an eagerness to actively engage with their constituents. This influx of young blood into legislatures and city councils worldwide is invigorating political landscapes and revitalizing systems. We have a good example in Portugal of deputies Bernardo Blanco and Patrícia Gil Vaz from the liberal party, who assume prominent roles in their parliamentary group, at 27 and 26 years old, respectively. Another example is Sigrid Friis Frederiksen (28 years old) who will head the ALDE Party electoral list for the 2024 European elections.

To harness the full potential of youth in shaping the politics of tomorrow, it is essential to prioritize political education. Young individuals should not only comprehend the mechanics of the political system but also understand their pivotal role within it. Another important thing that needs to be explained from a young age is that everything is politics. Wanting more musical concerts in the city is political. Wanting better conditions to play football on Sundays with friends is political. Complaining about the conditions at the school where they study is political. Young people must be taught that humans are political beings by nature and that understanding politics is not just knowing how to discuss economics, laws, and complex subjects. Educational institutions, from primary schools to universities, must play a fundamental role in providing civic education and fostering civic engagement among young citizens. The participation of young people in student groups, associations, junior companies, volunteering, and the like must be promoted.

In addition to education, political institutions and parties must demonstrate a genuine willingness to listen to the voices and address the concerns of young people. They should actively seek out the input of youth and seriously consider their perspectives when formulating policies and making decisions. It is crucial to recognize that youth participation is not a mere symbolic gesture but a fundamental and indispensable component of a healthy democracy.

In conclusion, the political landscape of tomorrow is undeniably being shaped by the engagement, aspirations, and activism of today's youth. Their unique ability to bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and unwavering determination to the forefront of political discourse is driving transformative change on critical issues. It is incumbent upon society, educational institutions, and political leaders to fully support and nurture the political involvement of young individuals. By doing so, we can create a more inclusive, responsive, and forward-thinking political system that genuinely reflects the aspirations and values of all generations. The youth hold the key to a brighter and more equitable future; it is our collective responsibility to empower them to unlock it.