Ugla - Greatest Hits
Translation: Julie Summers
I type in and the owl appears on the screen, my Ugla, our Ugla.
The university is getting ready to roll out a new learning management system called Canvas. There was some difficulty associated with using both Ugla and Moodle, so the decision was made to switch over to a single system in fall 2020. However, students will continue to use Ugla to log in to Canvas and to register and withdraw from classes. So the owl isn’t flying away, like you might have heard through the grapevine.
Ugla makes sure that we don’t forget about occasions like the Day of Icelandic Sign Language, Ash Wednesday, Easter, Bolludagur, Valentine’s Day, White Cane Day, Equality Days, and the university’s Japanese festival. And you’ll never find a more supportive owl; Ugla follows Eurovision, counts down to Christmas, and supports sports teams. Ugla reminds us to give blood, dress well, and wear helmets when we bike. Sometimes Ugla doesn’t remind us about anything. Sometimes our favorite owl is just a cute badass with a mustache. Long live Ugla.
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