The Challenge: One Week, Seven Documentaries

Welcome to the One Week, Seven Documentaries Challenge! How does it work, you ask? It’s easy: you just have to pick one week in your busy student life during which you will watch an environment-related documentary each day of the week. Once you’re done watching each title, you’ll get the satisfaction of ticking that day’s box in your notebook (You’ll also learn something new, but that’s just a bonus, right?) The goal here is to educate ourselves on the environment and how to treat our dear home, Earth.


  • ˜     Monday: Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things (2015)

    We’ll start the week off with the importance of using fewer things, and as the minimalists say, “Love people. Use things. The opposite never works.” You can find this documentary on Netflix (IS), Amazon Prime Video, iTunes, and VIMEO.

  •   Tuesday: Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)

    Oh, Tuesday is perfect for Cowspiracy! The documentary focuses on how animal agriculture impacts the environment. You can find it on Netflix (IS), Amazon Prime Video, and at

  • ˜     Wednesday: Before the Flood (2016)

    On Wednesdays, we watch Leonardo DiCaprio! So here’s a documentary that is narrated and produced by our beloved actor. Before the Flood talks about the dangers of climate change. You can find it on Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, and iTunes.


  • Thursday: Chasing Coral (2017)

    Today, we’re going to relax and watch the beauty of a coral reef, a unique ecosystem that is important for so many reasons. However, coral reefs are in danger, and in this documentary, you’ll find out why. You can find it on Netflix(IS).



  • ˜    Friday: Kiss the Ground (2020)

    As for Friday fun, we’ll get back to the basics. Kiss the Ground is about how individuals can fix the issues created by climate change with a simple solution – soil. You can find this documentary on Netflix (IS) and VIMEO, and if you’re a student you can watch it for free at

  •    Saturday: Blackfish (2013)

    You’re almost there! Today, we’re going to watch a documentary about the famous whale Tilikum and how humans treat animals overall. A must watch to understand why you should stop visiting parks where animals are locked in small cages! You can find this documentary on Netflix(US) or rent it through Amazon Prime Video.

  •  Sunday: David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet (2020)

    Well done! You’ve come so far, and as a reward, we’re going to finish this week with Sir Attenborough! In this film, Attenborough talks about how humans impact nature. You can find it on Netflix(IS).