The Student Paper's Horoscope February - March
Translation: Þóra Sif Guðmundsdóttir
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Your time is now. Try doing something that you’ve always wanted to do; who knows, you might just be a pro. It might be difficult at first and test your patience, but as soon as you get the hang of it, it will all be worth it.
Eco-friendly tip: Recycle your trash; it’s much easier than you think.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
2019 has arrived and it is time to finally do that thing you’ve been putting off for far too long. Invest in yourself and take some time off from school and/or work to take care of yourself and find out where you’re heading and what your long-term goals are. This is a fruitful investment.
Eco-friendly tip: Buy reusable bags for your fruits and veggies.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Everything that you have experienced, whether good or bad, has led you to where you are right now, both victories and losses. Don’t be afraid of failure, it’s what keeps you grounded and helps you appreciate the good in life. Sometimes straying off the path a bit is just good luck in disguise.
Eco-friendly tip: Try having one vegan day every week. It’s important to reduce usage of animal products, even if it is just one day a week.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Some days you feel as though you will conquer the world and are completely in control, other days you have no idea what’s going on around you. A bit like in Frikki Dór’s song, “Man of the Year” (Maður ársins). Don’t let bad days or hard times keep you from your goals. Self-doubt is poisonous to the mind and won’t get you to where you want to be.
Eco-friendly tip: Buy liquid soap in big batches and a refillable soap dispenser instead of buying a new one every time you run out.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
There comes a time in everyone’s life where they just need to say f**k it and go for it. You just need to take the first steps, even if those steps are tiny. The first steps are often the hardest to take, but when that is over the rest will be a cake walk. Fear is nothing more than deception that keeps you from becoming your best self.
Eco-friendly tip: Try some vegan meat substitutes, such as tofu, soy meat or Oumph. It is often a cheaper, healthier and delicious option.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Do your best to put your own happiness first. Never doubt what exercise, good nutrition and enough sleep can do for your health. Mental health is the key to success and well-being, and you should never have to apologize for putting yourself first.
Eco-friendly tip: Don’t use plastic straws. You can invest in reusable straws that last longer and will pay off in the end.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Make a conscious decision to be positive and grateful. It will change your attitude and behavior, and in time you will see a change for the better in how others perceive and interact with you, and you will be trapped in a delightful cycle instead of a vicious one.
Eco-friendly tip: Get yourself a reusable shopping bag; it will pay off both for you and Mother Earth.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Don’t settle for anything that doesn’t challenge you. Don’t settle for things that don’t arouse your curiosity, fascination, happiness or won’t further you in life. This can be applied to your studies, workplace, hobbies, relationships and the people you associate with. True happiness can be found in the little things, so make them count.
Eco-friendly tip: Save on gas money by riding your bike or walking more.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Don’t rush things just because you feel like you should have finished them already. Life is not a race. This is your life, so stop comparing it and yourself to others if it doesn’t feel right. What makes you different is also your greatest strength. Everything will fall into the right place at the right time.
Eco-friendly tip: Search for fruits and veggies that are in season at the moment.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
What do you want to remember in five years’ time? There will be a time where you’ll look back and be grateful. You’ll be grateful for your friends, studies and all the opportunities you were given. Don’t sink yourself into a pit of hopelessness, because in five years that won’t matter; all that will matter are the good and constructive memories.
Eco-friendly tip: Save electricity by turning off the lights when you leave a room.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
We have limited energy and focus. The way we think and perceive things is colored by what we pay attention to. You can choose what you pay attention to and what you spend your energy on. Surround yourself with people who cheer you on, and choose an environment that strengthens you and a life that brings you happiness and fulfillment.
Eco-friendly tip: Try carpooling. It saves money and is environmentally friendly.
Stúdentablaðið/Elín Edda
Overthinking things and feeling like you need to have the answer to everything is pointless; that’s not how life works. None of us know what we’re doing and things will fall into place in the end, just as they are meant to. Stop wasting energy by overplanning every aspect of your life and just enjoy the ride.
Eco-friendly tip: "Reusable" is key – coffee mugs, glasses, plates, cutlery and so on.